One can only guess how many government bureaucrats it takes to manage this mess 
Hank EvansM/V Queen Ann's Revenge  

    On Sunday, February 5, 2017 4:05 PM, Ron Ricci via CnC-List 
<> wrote:

 #yiv7380072635 #yiv7380072635 -- _filtered #yiv7380072635 
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{}#yiv7380072635 The whole Vessel Documentation process is a total mess.  When 
I first purchased Patriot it took months to get a COD in my name.  The website 
had a place that actually showed how many months they were behind in getting 
out paperwork.  At least then it was free.  Now for $26.00 you get a renewal 
application in the mail to sign.  It tell you to pay the $26.  I signed the 
renewal , addressed the envelope and started writing a note to my wife asking 
for a check.  There was nothing on the form to indicating who to make the check 
out to.  I went on line, started typing “National Vessel Documentation Center” 
in the Google search box.  After getting half way through the second word, 
Google completed all four words.  The first  listed entity was the ‘scam’ 
website.  I found the website and payed on line.  It did not appear 
that this actually renewed my COD so I emailed the renewal and payment info.  
Maybe this could be sub-contracted out to Amazon, UPS or FedEx.  They can 
handle stuff like this.  A simple email reminder and online renewal is 
achievable!Regards,RonRon RicciS/V PatriotC&C 37+Bristol,    

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