I'll start with an apology; it's not specifically C&C related; and I have no 
wish to start a general debate; my question...I see lots and lots of catamaran 
ads and apparently Sail Magazine thinks monohulls have been mothballed...: what 
is the appeal of these boats ....I recognize their added space as appealing to 
first-time group charter types; but heard that these boats are difficult sail; 
hard to get them moving and even more difficult to tack; perhaps not an issue 
in crossing a big lake or ocean, but could be a deal breaker in close quarters; 
When I look at the boats featured in the ads all see is a big 1970s Station 
wagon...(how's that for a frame of reference);So, someone enlighten me on this; 
why are they so popular even with prices of half a million? 
(I have not sailed on one and not planning on getting one-it's winter and I'm 
just curious)Many thanks...;

PS: I understand that C&C actually did make a few Cats in the 790s...so it is 
C&C related after all....!

 s/v Bushmark4: 1985 C&C 37 CB; Ohio River, Mile 596;

Richard N. Bush Law Offices 
2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite Nine 
Louisville, Kentucky 40220-1462 
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costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --  https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

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