You can also consider a counterweight of half of that (or, generally, any 
size). If you lift 50 lb, you would be 50 lb lighter.

Though, I still believe that it is much easier to climb yourself.


Sent: January 24, 2021 15:20
To: Stus-List <>
Cc: Adam Hayden <>; CHARLES SCHEAFFER 
Subject: Stus-List mast climbing using a counter weight

Agree, hoisting the 190# of chain or similar weight would take the same effort, 
but you'd only have to hoist it once and then have the freedom to could go up 
and down and anywhere in between without much effort and not have to bother 
crew.   My 190# weight could be balanced by four 5 gallon jugs of water or 
gasoline of diesel, so it's doable with items on hand, but the amount of prep 
is a little complicated.  I'll try and think through all the hurdles and 
describe what I think might work in a future email.

Chuck S

On 01/24/2021 8:32 AM Adam Hayden via CnC-List 
<<>> wrote:

Wouldn't it take as much effort to hoist the bag of chain up as to hoist  a 
person up?    I would do the same and use a corded drill alongside.
Sent from my Bell Samsung device over Canada’s largest network.
- Stu
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