On 6/29/12 4:24 PM, James Cammarata wrote:
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Parthasarathy, Balaji (BCS,
Cupertino, USA)<balaji.parthasara...@hp.com>  wrote:
Help much appreciated...hopefully I'm just doing some stupid amateur mistake
You probably need to setup the http proxy environment variable for yum to 
access external repos.
I believe this could be the case. I was actually looking at the wrong
error log before, the invalid repomd message occurred in the first
output, not the second. For the second, the message:

Error setting up repositories: Cannot retrieve repository metadata
(repomd.xml) for repository: f17-x86_64-everything. Please verify its
path and try again

is the important one. It would seem to indicate a connectivity issue.
As I said, try and run the reposync directly from the command line to
ascertain whether the issue is with cobbler or with the system
configuration overall. You can specify environment variables with
cobbler, so if you need to set a proxy you can do it there.

I'm embarassed to admit that I don't understand what specific actions to take here.

How do I run reposync directly on the command line? Do you mean this:

cobbler reposync

or do you mean some other command? I have been doing this from a terminal window all along. My installation of CentOS 6.2 on that machine is not X-based, there is no gui. I'm always in the shell.

Does reposync need to have specific firewall ports open? That could be the issue.

How do I set up an http proxy environment variable? I know so little of proxying that I am not sure why I may need this. The way this host is set up, it talks to the dns server (which is on the same host.) There is a second dns server on my network as well: it is at the gateway address, at The gateway is a Verizon "FiOS" router which talks to the internet.

So I wonder if I need to open firewall ports? Set up the http proxy? Or perhaps change something in the routing tables used by the gateway -- that is, the verizon FiOS box?



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