On 6/29/12 5:22 PM, Tony Schreiner wrote:

Mirror                         :
Mirror locally                 : True
Owners                         : ['admin']
Priority                       : 99
RPM List                       : []
Yum Options                    : {}

Name                           : f17-x86_64-updates
Arch                           : x86_64
Breed                          : yum
Comment                        :
Createrepo Flags               :<<inherit>>
Environment Variables          : {}
Keep Updated                   : True
Mirror                         :
Mirror locally                 : True
Owners                         : ['admin']
Priority                       : 99
RPM List                       : []
Yum Options                    : {}

   and then redoing 'cobbler reposync':

Is that mirror path  right? I don't have the /repodata/ part in mine.
I'm somewhat of a newbie to cobbler, so I don't know if that matters.
Tony Schreiner

Hi Tony,

Yes, the mirror path is correct. I basically walked down the path with my browser, starting from the Fedora mirror list web page, to verify that the path exists. Then I copied and pasted the path directly from the browser address bar. (I ssh into the cobbler server from my Mac to do a lot of my work with cobbler.)



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