On Jun 11, 2008, at 1:06 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

1. The more users can run your app, the more potential customers you have.

2. The more users can run your app, the fewer e-mails you get asking "why
can't I run this app?"

I fail to see the relevance of these points. Obviously, my goal is to
reach the maximum number of users; if it were otherwise I wouldn't be
discussing the means by which I reach them.

It's quite simple - there are still a bunch of users out there running Panther, so if I target Panther, I can reach those users. If I target Tiger or Leopard, I don't. Thus, I can reach more users by targeting Panther - at least for the time being, until I decide that their numbers are small enough that they become no longer sufficiently numerous to make it worth the effort of supporting Panther (which, truth be told, may happen fairly soon as I'm getting weary of all the hacks I have to use to support 10.3.x).

3. Relying on deprecated methods can cause an instant headache if Apple ever decides to remove those methods (or if they eventually start requiring you
to compile for 64-bit or something).

If I had suggested using deprecated methods *forever*, you might have
a point. But I didn't suggest that. I only use deprecated methods if I
need to support an OS version for which they're not deprecated. That's
precisely the point of deprecation; it gives developers time to
transition away from the deprecated methods, instead of requiring us
to do so immediately.

In practice, I have yet to have had a problem with this - by the time
a deprecated method is actually removed, the OS version for which I
needed it has always fallen "off the radar" for other reasons (Cocoa
Bindings, Core Data, etc.) anyway. Obviously, there are no guarantees
of this, but in eight years of Mac OS X programming I've never been
bitten by an exception.

This is Apple we're talking about - they like to keep you on your toes. All the deprecated stuff has already been removed from the 64- bit headers - all it takes is for Apple to release an OS that either requires all apps to be 64-bit or requires 64-bit to take advantage of whatever new feature you've just gotta have in Cocoa, or whatever. Apple is known for axing things suddenly and without warning (hi 64- bit Carbon developers!), so it's best to be prepared.

4. Sometimes a method gets deprecated because its replacement has better performance or has some other advantage that can make your app better if you
use it.

If the advantage is significant, I simply bump up the OS version requirement.

Sometimes the advantage is significant, but not so much that the app isn't still usable without it. I would rather leave it out for the users of the old OS version so they can still use the app, but that doesn't mean the users on a more recent OS version should miss out on the advantages you could offer with the new feature.

5. Sometimes a new method allows me to add a cool new feature that wasn't possible on older OS versions without a lot of work, but this feature isn't so important that the app isn't useful without it. In this case, I can just implement the feature on the current OS, and it gracefully degrades on older
OS versions (maybe a menu item is greyed out or something).

How is that a meaningful difference? If an OS feature is
mission-critical, the app will be useless regardless of how it
communicates the fact of its uselessness to the user.

The whole point is that sometimes the feature *isn't* mission- critical, but still really nice to have, although the app is still usable without it.

Besides, if my app requires 10.4, I'll make that abundantly clear on its download page. I don't think there's anything graceful about making someone download an app and try to run it before telling them that they can't.

I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. What I mean by "gracefully degrade" is that the app STILL DOES RUN on the older OS version, but just without that one feature. Perhaps the menu item to choose that feature is greyed out, perhaps it works but relies on an older implementation. Whatever; the app still runs.

If you require a later OS version, of course you mention that on the web page. It's not much consolation to the user who can't run your app, though.

Of course, this is for when an existing class gets some new methods that I like or something. I of course wouldn't use something huge like CoreData and
then try to target 10.3, as that would just be silly.

Such huge additions are actually the reason I arrived at my position.
They tend to be the main drivers of my adoption of newer SDKs and OS
versions, to the point where I've simply stopped worrying about minor
additions and deprecated methods. By the time a deprecated method such
as -cString actually disappears, I will have long since switched to a
newer SDK for other reasons anyway, and updated my code to suit that

Yeah, the thing is, I've got existing code that doesn't use those huge additions because it was originally written for an older OS, so it's not married to those huge new additions. Therefore, I don't have to drop old versions until it becomes too much of a headache to keep supporting them (too many hacks to have to apply to get it to work, too many weak-links and workarounds, too difficult to find beta testers still using the old system).

Can we end this discussion, please? It's horribly off topic.


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