On Jun 11, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

Yes, in fact it does matter. If Xcode resolves the symlink and stores
a direct reference to libz1.dylib, then it will continue to use that
even if you later move to a newer SDK with a newer version of libz.
When ld resolves the symlink, it does so each time you build, so
you'll always get the correct version for the SDK you're using.

The older versions are usually symbolic links to the newer ones anyway, so if an app links against libcurl.2.dylib or libcurl.3.dylib, they end up getting libcurl.4.dylib anyway. The exception to this would probably be if the newer version changed the API such that it would break your old code, in which case you'd want to be still linking against the old library until you'd updated your code anyway.

That's why (well - one reason why) you need to use the SDK that
corresponds to the oldest version of Mac OS X on which your app will
run. If you use a newer SDK, the symlink will resolve differently and
you'll end up linking to a library that isn't available on older OS

The problem comes up when you want to use a method that's only available on 10.4 and higher (checking the OS version first so that you can gracefully degrade on 10.3.x), or when Apple decides to deprecate a whole bunch of
methods in 10.4 and replace them with methods that are only available
starting in 10.4, in which case you have to use the 10.4 methods inside OS
checks to avoid using deprecated methods on the current OS.

My solution for that is simple. I don't want to write my code twice,
so if I want to support 10.3, I write it using methods that are
available on that version. And if I need to use methods that *aren't*
available on 10.3 - or an entirely new framework, such as Core Data -
I don't even try to support 10.3.

There's a few reasons I don't do that:

1. The more users can run your app, the more potential customers you have.

2. The more users can run your app, the fewer e-mails you get asking "why can't I run this app?"

3. Relying on deprecated methods can cause an instant headache if Apple ever decides to remove those methods (or if they eventually start requiring you to compile for 64-bit or something).

4. Sometimes a method gets deprecated because its replacement has better performance or has some other advantage that can make your app better if you use it.

5. Sometimes a new method allows me to add a cool new feature that wasn't possible on older OS versions without a lot of work, but this feature isn't so important that the app isn't useful without it. In this case, I can just implement the feature on the current OS, and it gracefully degrades on older OS versions (maybe a menu item is greyed out or something).

6. Often times a new method that shows up in a class can make your app better if you use it. What I often find is that Apple adds a method that does something I'd previously been using custom code in a subclass to do, but it does so in a manner that performs better or is more elegant in some way that is noticeable to the user. Or maybe it's just cleaner and my custom subclass code is kludgey or ugly. Either way, I would change my subclass method to do something like this:

if(tiger or better) {
        return [super doTheOfficialThing];
} else {
        // do my custom crap

        return whatever;

Of course, this is for when an existing class gets some new methods that I like or something. I of course wouldn't use something huge like CoreData and then try to target 10.3, as that would just be silly.

I think this is pretty far off topic by now, though.


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