Following the advise of some of the list's participants we've reinstalled
everything from scratch using this time Tomcat-3.2.3 and Cocoon2b2. We've
put Xerces_1_4_1.jar into Tomcat/lib, but did not deleted jaxp.jar, nor
parser.jar. Cocoon still is giving a parser message error
(org.xml.sax.SAXException: Could not get valid parserNamespace not supported
by SAXParser
embedded exception stacktrace) because aparently is trying to use jaxp to
parse instead of Xerces. The problem now is that if we move jaxp.jar and
rename parser.jar as zz_parser.jar (or even remove both)from/in the
Tomcat/lib directory, then Tomcat is unable to start (Violacion de segmento,
that means Segmentation Fault). So what?

Next we've retrieved jaxp.jar and parser.jar (and kept xerces in
tomcat/lib), modified cocoon.xconf and uncomented the line
<parser class="org.apache.cocoon.components.parser.XercesParser"/>

But we still get the same exception.

The ones that are using Tomcat and Cocoon, how do you start Tomcat without
jaxp.jar  and parser.jar?

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <>

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