----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Faulkner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Why cocoon sucks

> >
> >For a short synopsis at school I'm looking for points to areas where
> >and stacking an endlessly number of XSL transformers on top of each other
> >falls short. You know stuff like how difficult it is adding a new
> >to an XML element, and make sure it's copied along in all your 200
> >stylesheets, compared to how easy it is in languages like java.
> I think it is easier to edit a couple of stylesheets than coding Java.
Plus, the use of stylesheets helps with the separation of
style/content/logic. If you have a new bit of style to add, a designer
> responsible for the look of the output could edit the stylesheet.

Come on, any decent web framework has separation of style/content/logic. I'm
not talking about system.out.println("<html><body> hi my name is " + name +

I know what Cocoon is good for and I like it, however no technology is
perfect and some things are done easier with other tools.

- Kasper

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