You should listen to your own words...Cocoon is a *TOOL*...and as such 
it is not, nor has it ever been, intended as a cure-all for developing 
web applications.  Perhaps someday it will be, but what it is now, is a 
very slick way to take content in XML form from your logic layer and 
use a flexible framework to translate that content to virtually any 
front end device conceivable.  What you seem to be wanting someone to 
say about Cocoon is analagous to wanting them to say that a screwdriver 
sucks at cutting wood.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: Why cocoon sucks

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Faulkner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Why cocoon sucks

> >
> >For a short synopsis at school I'm looking for points to areas where
> >and stacking an endlessly number of XSL transformers on top of each 
> >falls short. You know stuff like how difficult it is adding a new
> >to an XML element, and make sure it's copied along in all your 200
> >stylesheets, compared to how easy it is in languages like java.
> I think it is easier to edit a couple of stylesheets than coding Java.
Plus, the use of stylesheets helps with the separation of
style/content/logic. If you have a new bit of style to add, a designer
> responsible for the look of the output could edit the stylesheet.

Come on, any decent web framework has separation of 
style/content/logic. I'm
not talking about system.out.println("<html><body> hi my name is " + 
name +

I know what Cocoon is good for and I like it, however no technology is
perfect and some things are done easier with other tools.

- Kasper

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