On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Alex McLintock wrote:

> Why did you chuckle? As a member of the London perl mongers group (I drink
> with them and waffle on the mailing list) I know a large number of people
> happy to work with Mason.

Well, I know exactly nothing about Mason itself, but perhaps the title of
the book is inappropriate for what Mason can actually do.  Just the
thought of having a .html page on a server with code embedded directly
into it make me shudder.  All too often I see software that lets the
<cough>coldfusion</cough> and they make it hard to separate the concerns.

PHP started out as a simple templating system, IIRC, and now it does so
much, there's things like Smarty which are templating systems for the old
templating system. But I digress...

> (Or was it the fact that O'Reilly had picked some kind of monkey to go on
> the cover?)

Monkeys are always funny :)


Tony Collen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
College of Liberal Arts   University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, West Bank

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