I think it would be the decent thing to do to make it easier for the
impaired to chat on Undernet, and as isomer said, it's being worked on atm

- wensu

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mark Foster
Sent: Sunday, 30 March 2003 1:13 PM
To: Isomer
Cc: stoney`; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Coder-Com] Fwd: [Cservice] accessability enquiry

This also crossed my mind but we're talking Windows users here.
There arent many decent command line apps for Windows nowadays.

ircII/epic etc is a linux app and yes, would probably be far better - but
thems the breaks...

I feel for the dude, a good friend of mine is fully blind and always had
fun trying to navigate windows apps on his PC...

On Sun, 30 Mar 2003, Isomer wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> > The user mentioned that he knew other blind people who this is
> > Is there any way to "fix" the problem?
> > I don't give a rats a** about MS chat, but if it's stopping innocent,
> > handicapped, people from continuing to chat on Undernet, it would be a
> > noble endeavor to fix MS chat's compatibility issues with IRCd. Can we
> > (Undernet, coder-com, humanity) help these blind people so they can
> > communicate via Undernet?
> I suspect MS Chat doesn't parse PART messages properly.  We'll probably
> fix this in the next release.  I suspect for people with impaired
> eyesight that epic/ircii or other command line IRC client might be a
> better choice than MS Chat, they are completely controlable via the
> keyboard and could be scripted to be more intelligable via a speach
> reader.
> - --
> Overload -- core meltdown sequence initiated.
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Only when you are sure they have you, can you stop being paranoid
> iD8DBQE+hi3DcAgRpy8z8UQRAssOAKCZ2XBwUtt9eh+KyKhsdMECVSFTmACgtqBc
> Qf5wMRtv6Nl3MOuZXcqfmsU=
> =rwbO

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