According to my look at ircu 2.9.32 (the last version of 2.9) it was the other way around... except that the topics were also hidden for +ps.

    if (cptr->user && !(SecretChannel(chptr) && !IsMember(cptr, chptr)))
      sendto_one(cptr, rpl_str(RPL_LIST),, cptr->name,
          ShowChannel(cptr, chptr)?chptr->chname:"*",
          chptr->users, ShowChannel(cptr, chptr)?chptr->topic:"");

At 06:32 PM 6/12/2003 +0200, bas wrote:
> +p does not show in /list at all
> +s shows in /list with channel name as "*" but topic visible
are you sure its not the other way around?

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