Ummm... +p channels were _always_ showed in /list as I recall.

"Secret" implies totally secret -- i.e: you can't find out about it unless you already know the name.
"Private" implies that your existence on the channel is "private" unless they already know the name... or if they start /join'ing every +p channel on the network to find you (a daunting task on a network like Undernet or EFNet). It was also my understanding that /who #channelname would show you on a +p channel -- unless you are +i of course -- whereas /who #channelname is completely useless with a +s channel (and we are talking normal users here, not opers).

I've looked at the source to Dalnet's ircd and it appears they act the same way as the current ircu... +p channels are not shown... nor are +s channels... unless you are on them. Likewise with ircd-hybrid.

This is from ircu 2.9.32:

    if (cptr->user && !(SecretChannel(chptr) && !IsMember(cptr, chptr)))
      sendto_one(cptr, rpl_str(RPL_LIST),, cptr->name,
          ShowChannel(cptr, chptr)?chptr->chname:"*",
          chptr->users, ShowChannel(cptr, chptr)?chptr->topic:"");

So in 2.9 it would list private channels but show them as a '*' in the list? This seems kind of silly to me. Either show the whole name or don't show them at all. I do seem to recall a long time ago on Undernet being able to /list +p channels... they showed up with ( )s around the channel name to mark them as private (or something similar) or have I completely gone off the deep end here?

So what exactly _is_ the difference between +p and +s? From the current ircu version it looks like there is none at all. Yet every "old timers" irc faq I've ever seen suggests that +p channels show up in /list... this is always how I've used +p. If there is no difference at all between the two modes then why have two of them?

Also, the checks for showing a +s channel in /LIST if you are already on that channel seem like a waste of CPU time to me. Obviously with /whois this is logical but /list? Do you really need to see that +s channel in /list if you are already on it?

At 06:23 PM 6/12/2003 +0200, you wrote:
> My view of it was this:
> +p does not show in /list at all
> +s shows in /list with channel name as "*" but topic visible

Why do I have the odd feeling that it's acually the other way around? :)
AFAIK +p channels are shown, but without their name (+s not shown in
list at all, if you're not on the channel).

Kind regards


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