There are 40 odd incompatible changes in 3.x:

Need to dig deeper on their impact. Clearly all my local shell scripts 
completely stopped working, it will be good to have some bridging there to help 
users migrate.

Like I said before, I will spend more time on trunk only changes in order to 
kick-start a 3.x discussion.

What are the incompatible changes in the 2.x line that you are talking about?


> On Nov 11, 2015, at 2:15 PM, Allen Wittenauer <> wrote:
>> On Nov 11, 2015, at 1:11 PM, Vinod Vavilapalli <> 
>> wrote:
>> I’ll let others comment on specific features.
>> Regarding the 3.x vs 2.x point, as I noted before on other threads, given 
>> all the incompatibilities in trunk it will be ways off before users can run 
>> their production workloads on a 3.x release.
>       [citation needed]
>       Seriously. Back that statement up especially in light of there having 
> been more incompatibilities in all the 2.x releases combined than in 3.x. 

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