bq. currently pulling in hadoop-client gives downstream apps
hadoop-hdfs-client, but not hadoop-hdfs server side, right?

Right now hadoop-client pulls in hadoop-hdfs directly to ensure a
smooth transition. Maybe we can revisit the decision in the 2.9 / 3.x?

On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Steve Loughran <> wrote:
>> On 11 Nov 2015, at 22:15, Haohui Mai <> wrote:
>> bq.  it basically makes the assumption that everyone recompiles for
>> every minor release.
>> I don't think that the statement holds. HDFS-6200 keeps classes in the
>> same package. hdfs-client becomes a transitive dependency of the
>> original hdfs jar.
>> Applications continue to work without recompilation as the classes
>> will be in the same name and will be available in the classpath. They
>> have the option of switching to depending only on hdfs-client to
>> minimize the dependency when they are comfortable.
>> I'm not claiming that there are no bugs in HDFS-6200, but just like
>> other features we discover bugs and fix them continuously.
>> ~Haohui
> currently pulling in hadoop-client gives downstream apps hadoop-hdfs-client, 
> but not hadoop-hdfs server side, right?

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