
> There's a lot of stuff in 2.8; I note that I'd like to see the s3a perf 
> improvements & openstack fixes in there: for which I need reviewers. I don't 
> have the spare time to do this myself.

If you think they are useful, it helps to file tickets (or point out existing 
tickets), start discussion etc w.r.t these areas in order to attract 

> -likewise, DFSConfigKeys stayed in hdfs-server. I know it's tagged as 
> @Private, but it's long been where all the string constants for HDFS options 
> live. Forcing users to retype them in their own source is not only dangerous 
> (it only encourages typos), it actually stops you using your IDE finding out 
> where those constants get used. 

> We do now have a set of keys in the client, HdfsClientConfigKeys, but these 
> are still declared as @Private. Which is a mistake for the reasons above, and 
> because it encourages hadoop developers to assume that they are free to make 
> whatever changes they want to this code, and if it breaks something, say "it 
> was tagged as private”

If these are worth going after, please file tickets under HDFS-6200 if they 
don’t exist already.

> 1. We have to recognise that a lot of things marked @Private are in fact 
> essential for clients to use. Not just constants, but actual classes.
> 2. We have to look hard at @LimitedPrivate and question the legitimacy of 
> tagging things as so, especially anything 
> "@InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({""MapReduce"}) —because any YARN app you 
> write ends up needing those classes. For evidence, look at DistributedShell's 
> imports, and pick a few at random: NMClientAsyncImpl, ConverterUtils being 
> easy targets.

There are existing tickets for some of these under YARN-1953 that need some 
developer love.

> Returning to the pending 2.8.0 release, there's a way to find out what's 
> going to break: build and test things against the snapshots, without waiting 
> for the beta releases and expecting the downstream projects to do it for you. 
> If they don't build, that's a success: you've found a compatibility problem 
> to fix. If they don't test, well that's trouble —you are in finger pointing 
> time.

I’ve tried doing this in the past without much success. Some downstream 
components did pick up RCs but a majority of them needed a release - hence my 
current approach.


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