On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

> Henri Yandell wrote:
> > I like the idea. Try to define some communities within Commons.
> >
> > +1
> Or spin them off.

Too early. The idea of a separate mailing list is a nice beginning in the
evolution to spinning off. It's relatively unobtrusive and lets the
project see how tied they are to the other community. HttpClient is
currently at that stage in Commons.

> Expression languages could make a project themselves.
> I'm a bit against deep project hierarchies:
>   Apache Jakarta Commons ExpLanguage Jexl...
> better with
>   Apache Jakarta ExpLanguage Jexl
> Actually, in the future it may as well be:
>   Apache ExpLanguage Jexl
> or
>   Apache Commons ExpLanguage Jexl
> I'm just throwing in random thoughts, but the bottim line is that I'd
> really like these expression language projects to be under a same
> project in Jakarta.

And let's merge Tapestry into Velocity :) I was looking at the minutes to
old Jakarta PMC meetings last night, and that very thing was suggested.
The rational argument against it was that they'd kill each other if put in
the same room :) A shared mail list for the EL-folks ought to be a good
first step though.


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