On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 10:22 AM, Jon Tirsén wrote:

See comments below:

It seems to me that this is entirely the converse of
what Apache is about.
The suggestion here is that a project be promoted
out of the sandbox in
order to build a community around it. That is the
*opposite* of what we
want to achieve.

If the participation of people currently outside of
Apache is necessary to
build a community around commons-attributes, then
this is a project that
should be developed further elsewhere, and perhaps
(re-)introduced to the
Incubator when that community exists.

It has been developed outside Apache and it does have a community around it. It was developed in the Nanning project and was donated to commons. The problem was that community (or parts of it) did not enter Apache at the time of donation and that's what's trying to be fixed.

ok. it sounds to me that we've arrived at the heart of the problem. now that i know the history of commons-attributes a little better, i'm even more convinced that bending the rules for attributes may well cause future problems for jakarta-commons.

jakarta-commons-sandbox isn't really a suitable environment for donated code without a committer community within apache. that's why things have become difficult. now that the incubator is up and running, a route through the incubator (where the rules are different) would have been much smoother.

i can see several routes out of this empasse. unfortunately, all of these require someone within apache to step up and take action:

1. a jakarta pmc member could nominate jon as a committer for the sandbox
2. an apache committer could volunteer to push forward commons-attributes to the stage where it could be promoted to the commons proper (this shouldn't take too much doing)
3. an apache member could sponsor attributes through the incubator (where the rules are different)

any volunteers?

- robert

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