On a related note, does anybody know what the status of
PreparedStatement pooling is in the latest DBCP release?  It seems
broken to me, but I might be doing something wrong.

It doesn't appear to be implemented yet. http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=18012


-- Mark Lewis

On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 19:06, Serge Knystautas wrote: > Is anyone working on DBCP or planning another release anytime soon? > It's been almost a year, and the project seems pretty inactive. > > I was trying to integrate DBCP into James this weekend to replace my > home-rolled DB connection, and after the fact realized that DBCP cannot > handle database restarts as without a validate SQL statement, DBCP > doesn't realize connections are corrupt and keeps putting them back in > the pool. > > Would anyone be interested in me supplying some patches to do some extra > checking, get some examples and documentation straight (I found 3 or 4 > different "basic" examples, none of which worked for me)? Are other > Apache projects using DBCP at this point, and is it reasonable to remove > methods that have not been implemented (like setLoginTimeout())?

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