Shapira, Yoav wrote:
I wouldn't rush to declare DBCP dead.  Database connection pooling is
not exactly the most revolutionary development area right now: DBCP is
good at what it does, is being used widely, and I personally am not
aware of anything that required a DBCP release within the past year.

That's somewhat encouraging about Tomcat using it (or at least mentions it first).

Since James really does need a new connection pooler, and I'm stuck having to invest some time into making **some** database pooler more robust, is the DBCP project open to this? I'm not sure if there are any committers remaining, or what exactly is the next step. Basically I would make the following changes:

- Allow the pool to optionally close a connection on a SQL exception (since that will often corrupt the transaction and/or indicate the connection is boofed).
- Change some default values so it doesn't block indefinitely to open a connection out of the box.
- Maybe support a connection factory constructor that can take a String for a driver name, rather than require you to do Class.forName() separately.
- Maybe implement login timeout.
- Maybe implement logging via commons logging so you can catch events rather than just use a writer.
- Make a formal new release (either 1.1 or 2.0, I don't care), just so the examples, test code, and javadoc (in distro and website) all have working examples.

Any feedback on these changes, or people I should talk to before heading down this road?

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501

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