I like the idea of creating a version 0.1 release with the existing classes. I think that makes it easier for people who want access to the current binary, looking for v0.1 instead of a snapshot jar from a specific date.

Since the code is now in [primitives], I think it makes sense to call the jar commons-primitives.jar, and publish commons-primitives-0.1.jar to ibiblio.

As far as the website, any XML files that you create under xdocs are converted to an HTML file of the same name in the target/docs directory. If there is no extra information for the project yet, then it isn't needed, or maybe you would just want to make an index.xml for the front page. xdocs/navigation.xml can be used to create links to the different pages.

I can help out with this if necessary, let me know.

Stephen Colebourne wrote:
As you will have noticed, the primitives component now exists in

I have imported the code from [collections] as is, no package changes. The
package will need to change to reflect the new component. However for
backwards compatability we need to have some kind of a release of these
classes in these packages.

I am open to suggestions as to how to go about creating this 'release'. It
could be a maven style snapshot, or just a 0.1 labelled version. At present,
the ant build has been tweaked to create a jar with the name
commons-primitives-collections.jar, rather than commons-primitives.jar.
Maybe all we need to do is get that jar into ibiblio?

Suggestions and proposals please.

We also need a website. Is this just a case of creating the xdocs folder as with [collections]?


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