My apologies as well, I didn't realize you weren't a committer, nor that the MD5 stuff never made it into the release.

Tim, everyone, now that codec is a released component, might we create a contrib directory or a codec-sandbox? Chris's MD5 stuff has been done for ages now.

I am not a commons committer, or I'd take some action myself.

This was previously tracked in Bug 17091 ( but was CLOSED with resolution LATER. See Chris's attachment on 6/12/03.

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks

Christopher (siege) O'Brien wrote:

Apologies, that was not intended for the entire list. But since it went
there, may as well elaborate.

The ChunkedInputStream used a call-back system to provide a data written
to the stream back in consistently-sized chunks (except for the last
data written, which would be sized appropriately). This was useful in
MD5 for obvious reasons in the streaming implementation. I factored it
into its own class because I figured it could also be used in the SHA1
implementation that was in the works, and perhaps other registers-based
hashes or checksumming codecs.

Ryan, the original ChunkedInputStream should be a part of the package I
put together for the MD5 package, as you correctly recalled. I had
posted a note at one point offering the idea up to the IO folks, but I
never got a response on that.

- siege

On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 19:12, Christopher (siege) O'Brien wrote:

I don't have CVS access! But you do, and you should have a copy of the

- siege

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