> > Is Commons a place for web applications?  I've always thought
> > it was for small components to be used in web apps.

> This, of course, begs the question of where handy little servlets
> and filters should go.

> there is precedent, albeit comatose, in the sandbox 'filters'
> and 'servlet' components.

Yet another set of components that are not on the Jakarta Commons web page
(http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/).  Did it never occur to anyone that
projects might be comotose because no one knows about them?  I, for one,
have code that could have gone in there, but I didn't know it existed.

Maybe we need a Commons WebApps, or even a WebApp Commons?  The parts in the
project space aren't going to be uniformly mature.  They don't represent a
single entity.  Each one is an independent piece.

        --- Noel

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