
>Rules based load balancer?  Seems to me like this could need a load
>of its own.  Have you stress tested it?  I'm not saying it can't be
>as a smart (policy based) redirector, but as a thin large scale load
>balancer the Servlet lifecycle may be a little heavier than necessary.
>you give an example in which this serves as a better "load balancer"
>other alternatives?

As I said in my original message, it's intended for small to medium, not
heavy sites.  I wanted something quick, simple, configurable, fast, and
pure java.  As I also said previously, I'm aware (and in fact use, in
other contexts) of several of the alternatives out there from hardware
and BigIP to things like the free Balancer software.

The use-case that drove me to create my little load-balancer was the

- We have a web application that among other things presents numerous
views of very large data sets.
- Over time, as the sets grow larger and the views grow larger, the app
needed more RAM.
- As it grew even larger, I wanted to split it into multiple servers,
each one serving a small number of views, and running on a smaller
- Determining which view is to be displayed depends on various request
parameters that may be on the URL but may also be POSTed via various
forms on our intranet, as well as the user's physical location (which of
our buildings they're in, etc.) and his or her security clearances.
- This goes far beyond URL-rewriting, the rules are more complex.  I
needed something that could grab info from the URL, form parameters,
lookup the user in our DB to determine privileges, and select the view.
Then it would look up in its list of servers which one(s) can serve the
selected view, and redirect the request to that server.

It's worked extremely well for us.  The application handles about 100
users per hours, maybe around 10 concurrent requests at most.

Yoav Shapira

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