Tim O'Brien wrote:
If you'd like to vote -1 on this product because someday, someone will lament the lack of an OS issue tracker. I only ask you to focus on the fact that there are a very few active committers who spend large amounts of time regularly doing things like release management, site publishing, and infrastructure. And, people like this have expressed an interest to move to Jira. It would great if, one day, we could move to a issue tracker covered under an Apache Style License, but that day is not today. Yes, OS projects should try to encourage other OS projects. That is an interesting idea, but I don't see people flocking to the Scarab project. I'd welcome the day that we could see a viable alternative to Jira, but I just don't see it right now. Alternatively, I see an issue tracker that does not allow us to clearly express version numbers and sub-components for projects in the Jakarta Commons.

Because of how Jakarta commons is setup in bugzilla and would need to be setup in JIRA, the transition process doesn't lose anything (infrastructure side) from a partial move. Individual projects in commons will need to know the right bug tracker to link to, but we've also discussed setting up http://issues.apache.org that would host the current bugzilla and scarac installs along with the new JIRA install.

Honestly, we have enough projects to migrate as is. I don't see a need to encourage projects. I say let's just manage the projects who have already requested it, then every project can potentially use JIRA and see whether they like it or not.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >>> software . strategy . design >> http://www.lokitech.com
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