On Jan 12, 2004, at 10:28 AM, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
2) A different approach, where the context is simple (allowing recycling w/o much effort of other backing impls) and Jexl is smart

Regarding #2, I can see 2 approaches.

One is to do it during evaluate(), like you proposed, which will change the state of some of the objects in the context, and not all if something is wrong :

nuclearReactor.start(); nuclearReactor.setTemparature(temp); nuclearReactor.stop();

Granted, I know that you can't always ensure you get through, but still, adding another way causes concern. On the flipside, it's simple....

The other would be to have a checker that takes an expression and figures out if it will go given a context. That leads to a two step execution process, where you'd first run the check and then evaluate()....


an alternative approach..

lets leverage the map! the map knows if a variable exists. So how about JexlExpression.setExplicitVariableDeclaration( true ); and then Jexl just does (in ASTIdentifier, and I think that might be the only place..)

if( isExplicitVariableDeclaration )
        final Map vars = jc.getVars();

     if( vars.doesKeyExist( val ) )
         return vars.get( val );
         throw new UnknownVariableException( val );
        return jc.getVars().get( val );


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