Gus Heck wrote:
> After looking at Jelly's JIRA as linked from their project pages
> (, it
> is clear that there are some nice features, it looks nicer than both
> bugzilla and scarab and is and friendlier than scarab

> I do see one major usability glitch

> Nowhere did I see a link for Entering a bug.

As it says in the Welcome Panel: "You must register and login if you want to
create, comment, vote, or watch issues."  In other words, you have to sign
in first.  The default permissions allow anyone to browse, but require one
to be signed-in in order to create an issue.  If you don't have an account,
there is a link ("signup") right below the login fields.

The menu bar at the top has the primary functions that you would perform.
If the feature isn't available, it generally means you haven't logged in.
:-)  Once you are logged in, the menu bar has more functions, and the front
page changes to a custom "dashboard" tailored to your particular desires.

> The possible bug in searching is that I did a search on "escape", a word
> chosen randomly from one of the Popular Bugs (JELLY-55, in which it
> appeard as "escapeText"), and it failed to find the bug I chose the word
> from. chosing the word "body" however did bring up that bug. It seems
> that perhaps JIRA was only finding .*escape and not .*escape.*...

escapeText != escape.

        --- Noel

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