On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

> Gus Heck wrote:
> > After looking at Jelly's JIRA as linked from their project pages
> > (http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/secure/BrowseProject.jspa?id=10012), it
> > is clear that there are some nice features, it looks nicer than both
> > bugzilla and scarab and is and friendlier than scarab
> > I do see one major usability glitch
> > Nowhere did I see a link for Entering a bug.
> As it says in the Welcome Panel: "You must register and login if you want to
> create, comment, vote, or watch issues."  In other words, you have to sign
> in first.  The default permissions allow anyone to browse, but require one
> to be signed-in in order to create an issue.  If you don't have an account,
> there is a link ("signup") right below the login fields.

Any reason for forcing people to register to put a bug in? It's just an
administration choice for JIRA if I recall.


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