I am starting to look at R for validating the stats functions. I also found a site with some data sets, but I have not looked at them yet.

I took a few weeks to read some books from the library about the kinds of jobs that math majors can get. It was very interesting reading. I wish there were more books like that when I was in high school.


Phil Steitz wrote:

The following coding/doco items are all still open:

a. Finish the User Guide
b. Finalize and execute RealMatrix solve() strategy
c. Finalize and execute spline changes
d. Extend certified data tests with tests against R or other sources (need to finalize what is included here)
e. Review API and fix broken links and other errors in javadoc
f. Improve path and boundary value test coverage
g. Finalize and implement "BeanList" stats

I have been making slow progress on a, d, e, and f. Javadoc review has raised a few additional API issues (e.g. RealSolver refactoring) and I am sure that more will surface as I make my way through all of the code. I have been extremely time constrained recently, but hopefully this will improve "soon." Volunteer help on any of the items above -- especially code/API review -- would be much appreciated.


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