On 24 Apr 2004, at 04:19, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:


From what I can see on TOMCAT-DEV, the Tomcat developers think that there are backwards incompatibilities for Tomcat users (beyond any issues that might affect Tomcat itself). Based on that, I've certainly been one of those casting aspersions. If we're all full of it, a [collections] statement on the nature and scope of backwards compatibility, pointing out the error of our (Tomcat developers and my) ways, would go a long ways towards addressing this concern.

Struts is shortly going to be in the same boat ... the dependency of Struts itself on collections is only that inherited from Digester/BeanUtils; but the Struts developers will want to ensure that an upgrade to Collections 3.0 won't cause undue problems for users of Struts, before we switch.

i've been wondering if a possible solution might be to include org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack and org.apache.commons.collections.Buffer in with a new beanutils release. these are very stable classes and only the javadocs have changed since the 2.1 collections release.

i think that this would buy us a little time to fix the problem properly (in beanutils2 and digester2).

i'm little reluctant to put betwixt on hold right now (i'm very close to being able to merge back in the refactoring branch) but i think i'll try to concentrate my efforts on digester and beanutils since these problems seem both important and quite pressing.

- robert

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