
I just noticed somethnig similar here:

One problem with some of the provider frameworks I've
seen is that they use JCS in an inefficient way.  JCS
is based on cache regions, much like log4j.  You
wouldn't get a logger from the factory every time you
wanted to use it.  You'd get it from the factory and
store it as a variable and then use it over and over. 

For instance, the framework in this article biases the
results in this manner.  OSCache doesn't have regions
-- it's like a logger with one log, so there is no
overhead in picking the region to use. . ..

I posted an explanation of why the times are biased.  

The last time I looked, hibernate did something
similar.  I haven't checked recently though.



--- Hernan Silberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Aaron Smuts wrote:
> > Yes, I think the couple problems that Hibernate
> folks
> > found in JCS have been resolved.  There have been
> tons
> > of enhancements to JCS in the last year.
> From the Hibernate reference documentation:
> "By default, Hibernate uses EHCache for JVM-level
> caching. (JCS support is now 
> deprecated and will be removed in a future version
> of Hibernate.) You may choose 
> a different implementation by specifying the name of
> a class that implements 
> net.sf.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider using the
> property 
> hibernate.cache.provider_class."
> It's a bummer their docs don't mention the recent
> work on JCS, though I'm not 
> sure of the right channel to send that message and
> as a new Hibernate user I 
> lack the proper context.  BTW, they employ a simple
> provider pattern so their 
> users can use various cache implementations
> (including SwarmCache, JBoss Tree 
> Cache, EHCache), might be worth looking at for
> inspiration.
> Hernan
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