
Can I see the API so I can get a better feel for what
you have in mind?

Although I use it extensively, I'm not exactly sure of
the value of commons-logging.  I have no intention of
switching from log4j.  It does everything I want in a
logger.  Adding the commons-logging gives me
flexibility to change, but since I can't imagine
changing, the overall effect of using commons-logging
is additional complexity with no substantial benefit. 

There may be reasons to use commons-logging in an open
source project, since it gives our users a choice of
loggers.  However, I don't see the point of using it
in private projects except to stay consistent with the
opensource projects I use . .  .

Then again, caching may be different, since there
doesn't seem to be a cache at the level of maturity of
log4j.  I hope JCS will be that soon.  



--- "Baum, Karl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Emmanuel.  I read over your emails and it sounds
> like we are both on
> the same page with the caching abstraction project. 
> You have put way
> more thought into it than me, and your ideas sound
> great.  I am
> surprised others are not on board.  
> Is there any way we can get some kind of formal
> decision out of the
> commons-dev community?  Should Emmanuel take his
> idea elsewhere?  It
> would be a shame because I really think this project
> would benefit from
> the jakarta commons name.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Emmanuel Bourg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 7:18 AM
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Subject: Re: commons cache
> Hi Karl, thank you for bringing this topic back up,
> I suggested the same
> thing earlier this year (see 
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> apache.org&msgId=1165823 
> and 
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> apache.org&msgId=1226378) 
> but didn't receive much feedback. I have an
> implementation supporting 
> EHCache, JCS, OSCache and SwarmCache, I intended to
> host it on 
> SourceForge once the work on commons-configuration
> 1.0 is done 
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencache), but if
> the commons 
> community supports this idea I'll be glad to bring
> the code back here 
> and start a proposal for a sandbox component.
> Is there any interest in such a component among the
> jakarta-commons 
> developpers ?
> Emmanuel Bourg
> Baum, Karl wrote:
> > Hi.  I am new to this list and have joined to ask
> some questions
> > regarding the commons caching subproject.  I think
> there is a definite
> > need in the java community for a thin wrapper
> around caching
> > implementations such as EHCache, JCS, or
> SwarmCache.  This wrapper
> would
> > wrap cache implementations the way commons logging
> wrapped logging
> > implementations.  I looked at the commons caching
> page and there is
> > little explanation of the purpose of the project
> aside from the name.
> > The project almost seems like yet another caching
> implementation in
> > itself, not a thin wrapper  (I could be wrong
> though since I just
> > quickly looked it over.).  
> > 
> > I am wondering what the aim of commons caching is
> and if it's still
> > actively being developed?  Thanks.
> > 
> > Karl
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