On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 22:16:49 +0100, Daniel Florey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This would be really a funny thing, but how could we replace the classloader
> of a given application with a custom one?

Right. Impossible :(

> But what about a tool that decompiles all the product jars, changes the
> package structure and the import statements and repacks this into a new jar?
> ;-)
> Might be a megaseller...

No need to decompile. Libs like BCEL or ASM can do this for us. Other
than that cool stuff :)

This would need information which part of the software want which version! 
However, it would be very hard to debug if the tool had any bugs in
it. But of course it would not ;)

When is founding time for the company?


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