On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 22:52:48 +0100, Daniel Florey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The solution you proposed will not solve the issue as you cannot replace the
> classloader of the application server.

That's not what I proposed.  If you're inside a webapp, what I
proposed is that you create your own classloaders *within* your
application, and load the conflicting portions into their own class
loaders (i.e. instead of loading them from /WEB-INF/classes or

> Finally I think that my proposal is not that bad. If it's not possible to
> address this issue in future versions of the java language, this seems to be
> the only solution.
> So my vote is +1 to add at least the major version number to the components
> package name.

That would have unacceptable impacts on people who don't have the
cross-dependency issue, but just want to use a newer version of a
particular library that *does* maintain backwards compatibilty across
versions.  Therefore, I'd -1 such a proposal on any Commons package
that I'm involved with.

> Cheers,
> Daniel


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