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Joerg Hohwiller wrote:
> Jörg Schaible wrote:
>>>Simon Kitching wrote:
> Hi there,
Hi again,
> I can not see all your guyz problems. I replaced Priority with Level and 
> removed
> the "isAsignableFrom" section and everyting works and compiles fine. Even the
> TRACE is defined in Level and Priority so there is not even reflection magic
> required.
> Am I missing something??? Maybe I should get the 1.3 alpha release and have a
> look if I can find the problem Simon was talking about...
> The tests all worked excellent with 1.2.12 and Log4j12Logger works fine with
> prior versions. And as I said that is how the log4j guyz told to do it a long
> time ago. I did not check this with log4j versions prior than 1.2.6. But as I
> pointed out earlier, the Log4J12Logger is using the log4j type "Logger" 
> anyways
> and that came together with the type "Level".
> Maybe we do not even need two Log4j Loggers - what do you think?
Is it if you compile the jcl againts log4j 1.2 and then run it with 1.3 and vice
versa? Maybe that is the point I did not think about earlier...
I will check when I find the time.
>>>- Jörg
> Regards
>   Jörg
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