robert burrell donkin wrote:
The removeIndex is the index of the hash bucket, not the hash code. This bit of code is simply trying to find the entry before that we want to remove, where we already know the entry we want to remove.

got that bit but missed the use of header to store order links to
entries. header is the start of a circular buffer used to store the
entries in order, right?
The header is the start of a linked list which maintains the LRU order. This runs separately to the bucket's next field.

None of this requires us to check using equals().

true that wasn't the path i was travelling down. i was wondering whether
the bucket could ever be null (thus producing a NPE) but it can't be if
there is an entry is still in the map. doesn't seem to be any easy way
that it could happen given appropriate synchronisation. the other
candidate is for loop to become null but this shouldn't happen, should
No, there seems to be no way to get this

is it time to take seriously the possibility of a bug in synchronisation
being an explanation?
I've added a comment to bugzilla.

I think we should give this another couple of weeks and then release with my additional semi-debugging statements. There is too much other stuff that needs releasing, and collections is way way overdue.


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