On 11/25/05, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
> > Has any thought been given to, or has any work been done already, to
> > creating a Javascript-based client-side version of Digester?  I'm
> > starting on a new project soon where I'll potentially have to be doing a
> > fair amount of client-side XML parsing, and it occurs to me that using
> > Digester would make my life A LOT easier.
> And a month or so ago, someone asked the same about logging.  Seems to me
> that with the burgeoning popularity of AJAX technology, there will be a
> number of such thoughts.
> Now we just need to build a community that wants to collaborate on it.

Yes and no. I do see a place for JavaScript at the ASF, and I do believe we
should have a forum - and a community - around that.

However, when it comes to the fundamentals, IMHO, the Dojo toolkit has an
existing and thriving community; they are pulling together the best parts of
existing toolkits; and they have a quorum of some of the very smartest
JavaScript developers anywhere. I really, really don't want to see the ASF
go off and (try to) duplicate all of the awesome work they've done just so
that it's under the ASF umbrella.

I'm hoping that we can have a BOF at ApacheCon next month to talk about
JavaScript at the ASF. There are a number of people from a number of
different projects who I know are interested in collaborating on JavaScript
activities within the ASF, and I think this would be a great way to kick off
the discussions.

Martin Cooper

        --- Noel
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