Rahul Akolkar wrote:
I'm also seeing a trend that is a tad disappointing. The last three
successive release votes each needed to make pleas for a better
response from the developer community.

I'm afraid it might be easy to misunderstand or ridicule this email,
point to the some Apache voting FAQ, and move on. This is not a
statement about individuals -- rather the community -- indeed,
personally, I've done nothing to help in the above cases, including
even choosing not to cast non-binding opinions when the votes came up.

I'll be glad if I'm told I've misunderstood the current state of
affairs, maybe RMs are just anxious by nature (comes with the
territory), this is all *expected* to happen, and I'm the only one who
sees things in a different light. I'll be happier still if this were
an abberation rather than the norm.

You are certainly correct in spotting these cases, however other votes will also go through. One of the big issues I have with Apache is the amount of procedure and boring stuff necessary to go through to get a release released.

The vote is really the tip of the iceberg, the real effort is in the uploading, copying, signing, linking... Releasing at sourceforge is a dream by comparison (although its an unfair comparison of course).

Release managers are also facing tougher release checkers now IMHO. For instance, I haven't ignored configuration, but haven't had the time to check it out properly (way too much to do). I try to only give a +1 if I genuinely am happy. Perhaps I'm now applying too high a standard? Its a tough balance.


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