Mario Ivankovits wrote:
Martin van den Bemt wrote:

I tend to focus more on (for me) productive things, since (almost) all of my open source efforts happens/has to happen in my spare time, which is limited..

Me too, especially the [vfs] thing is a free time job for me. But even more it is demotivating if you are blocked due to a more restrictive check when it comes to the release vote then you had during your release candidates.

More involvment in the RC's is what I can think of for myself here, also for projects I don't use.

I search a little bit, and guess what, we have such a documentation

We have to rework it, tough.

*) In the area of "class file format" we should state that we not allow to use only the "target" attribute but also require to use the correct jdk version: the version the project was designed for.
*) And we need a new point of what files we need to crlf fix.

To reask the question in this thread : what is broken with crlf ?
I use both windows and linux (and mix zips and tgz on both platforms) and never 
had a single issue with this. It could be the way I work though :)

*) And I dont know why we should fix all bugs, its not very productive to mark all bugs as "later" and after the release revert the status again.

You don't have to fix all bugs, but the number and kind of bugs solved / still 
open can be a good indicator of how the project is doing.


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