Stephen Colebourne wrote:

> Mario Ivankovits wrote:
>> I search a little bit, and guess what, we have such a documentation
>> We have to rework it, tough.
>> *) In the area of "class file format" we should state that we not
>> allow to use only the "target" attribute but also require to use the
>> correct jdk version: the version the project was designed for.
> +1
> I believe that the ideal is to compile with JDK 1.4/1.5 but using
> bootclasspath to pickup the JDK1.2 libraries.
> That said, I tend to just use JDK1.3 to compile (no bootclasspath). In
> theory this can affect JDK1.2 users, but
> a) there are very few of those
> b) there were no bytecode change 1.2-1.3 AFAIN
> c) non one has ever reported an overloaded method issue either

What about using maven's maven.compile.executable property to point to
the target JDK? This is what I have done with the RCs for configuration.
This seems to be convenient, but has the disadvantage that the manifest
in the generated jar contains the version of the JDK on which maven is
running (not the target JDK). Or does anybody know a trick how to handle

>> *) And we need a new point of what files we need to crlf fix.
> I don't intend to -1 a release on this. The key files are the top
> level release notes.

There has been a longer discussion about this subject. I wonder if a
user has already complained about that. I mean, if I open a file with
Windows notepad and find out that the line endings are incorrect, I open
it again with Wordpad. So what? I assume that our target group (i.e.
programmers) use editors that can handle such things.

>> *) And I dont know why we should fix all bugs, its not very
>> productive to mark all bugs as "later" and after the release revert
>> the status again.
> Personally, I've never done that.

+1 That really doesn't make much sense.


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