On 3/5/06, Sandy McArthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/5/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 3/5/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > +1. Despite my general reluctance to break up the Commons community, I
> like
> > > this. It creates a clearly focussed other-Commons that should leave
> both
> > > communities healthy - and probably leave the current Commons more
> manageable
> > > in the process.
> >
> > -1.
> >
> > I've no problem with grouping those components together, or the name
> > of the grouping. It makes a lot of sense and fits nicely with HTTP
> > Components and Web Components. Course the other one becomes
> > BiggerCommonsComponents or Misc Components or something. Also, Jakarta
> > File Components will want to have IO in along with FileUpload, VFS,
> > Compress.
> -1
> I'm basically with Henri here. I am fine with Commons being like the
> high school lunch cafeteria that naturally subdivides itself into
> groups. Just like it doesn't matter that the jocks (almost) never
> mingle with the chess club, they are both able to use the same
> facilities without problems. There is no reason to administratively
> enforce a separation.

It's not "administatively forcing a separation", it's a natural consequence
of a particular group of components growing up together and "graduating"
with a common purpose. The HttpClient component grew into the Jakarta HTTP
Components subproject, and the Jakarta Web Components subproject will likely
absorb some Commons components as well. What makes it wrong, or even
different, for a group of Java-language-focussed components to "graduate"
into Jakarta Language Components? To me, it's simply a natural evolution of
the community.

Martin Cooper

> I'm +1 to the idea of splitting Commons up into groupings - provided
> > we don't break up the community.
> -0 to splitting into groupings, I'm fine with organizing the layout of
> websites into groups that just cosmetic categories but I'm not going
> to endorse anything that splits Commons developers.
> --
> Sandy McArthur
> "He who dares not offend cannot be honest."
> - Thomas Paine
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