Hi Vincent!
> 1) Do a release of those projects.
Commons-compress is on the way.
Slide is simply not my project, I am neither a committer nor a
contributor, so I cant decide to release it.
What I'll do once compress is there and the lgpl stuff has solved, is,
to have a oversight about the activity of this project then, and then
move the parts depending on inactive projects into its own jar as you
outline below.

> 2) Separate VFS core from the different filesystem implementations:
> - vfs-core.jar
> - vfs-fs-ram.jar, etc
I dont think that the users want have such fine grained bundles, I
perfectly understand that it fits your needs, but having to put e.g. 10
vfs jars to get what you have now might become a pain.
This decision is not put in stone, if other users come up telling me
that they would appreciate it, I can go to the dev list and discuss this

Though, an additional question come in my mind with such a solution:
I have to release each "artifact" on its own to make the scenario work,
not only that the releases then start to divergence, do I have to start
a vote for each of them then?
The other developer have to check releases during the vote, this means a
great multiplication of work.
Whew .... I already hear what they will tell me ;-)

Hmmm .... but having
- vfs.jar
- vfs-extensions.jar - where in extensions (or what name ever) all the
code is which is not releasable ... well ... this can be done.

I'll move to commons-dev with this - Follow me :-)


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