Let's start with an archive at jira ?
Supposedly, the APL 2 manifest should already be put in all sources as well.


Mark Tombs wrote:
Got the OK from the boss, and the signed CLA will be in the post soon. So where do we go from here?


On Wednesday 04 October 2006 16:43, Mark Tombs wrote:
Thanks, I'll let you know.

On 10/4/06, Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd happily go with an email2

On 10/4/06, Paul Libbrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Should we set as requirement compatibility to the previous email
tag-lib or should we just do this an email2 tag-lib ? Considering our
forces, I'd target email2.

Mark, for the ASF to accept your contribution, we need a signed CLA,
see http://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas
Tell us how acceptable this is.


Dion Gillard wrote:
It'd be interesting to see how well this would integrate in with the
existing mail stuff.

On 9/27/06, Mark Tombs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As promised, some example jelly. Putting multipart=true is a
terrible hack
but I couldn't think of a way to tell if the mail:mail tag contained

parts at the time.
And I can't do multiple to or from, as I didn't need it at the time

writing either.

<!-- connect to the smtp server -->

<mail:setServer type="smtp" server="mailserver.notreal.com"

<!-- to send a simple, text mail -->

<mail:mail to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
subject="example simple mail">
This is just a text mail.

<!-- send a multi-part mail -->

<mail:mail to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
subject="example simple mail" multipart="true">
  <mail:part type="html" encoding="utf-8">
        <h1>This an html mail.</h1>
  <mail:part type="plain">
       This is the plain text part.
  <mail:part type="image/png" file="path-to-a-file.png" />
  <mail:part type="image/png" file="path-to-another-file.png" />

<!-- get mails from a pop server -->

    <mail:setServer type="POP" server="pop.fake.com" userName="user"
password="********" />

    <mail:getMessages var="messages" folder="inbox" />
        <core:forEach items="${messages}" var="message">
           <!-- do something to the mails -->

On 9/26/06, Mark Tombs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hmmm, same dependencies I'm afraid.  I'll sort out some example

later on.


On 9/26/06, Paul Libbrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What are the dependencies ? I know that the javamail (and

dependencies of commons-jelly-email have been a problem to many.
If you can minimize this, it would be interesting.
Can you also send an example jelly snippet ?


Mark Tombs wrote:
Its completely new. I wrote it for my own use, for sending

with both plain text and html parts. Its still work in
progress, but I

thought you might be interested.

On 9/26/06, Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

is this an extension of the existing email taglib? Or
something new?


On 9/25/06, Mark Tombs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've written some jelly tags for creating emails that can


mails, including html and attachments. I've also started



that can read mail too.  Is this of any interest to the
jelly team?

On another note, I haven't noticed a lot of development of

recently, and

the ant and maven builds are getting out of date... is the

active at

the moment?


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