On 5/28/07, Nestor Urquiza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bits like <invoke>, are also "executable content", but the semantics
are decoupled from the mechanics of state transitions.
As far as I understand <invoke> is still an ongoing discussion from w3c draft right? I mean it is 
not clear still how invoke will accept parameters and how the result would be processed by the 
<onentry> or <onexit> contexts from where at the end of the row <invoke> will be used.


Correct, <invoke> has many details TBD. Results are processed in <finalize>.

In any case even using invoke I do not see an alternative to <if> when talking about 
exceptions, meaning that seems like the approach I am finaly using is the only practical 
solution for WEB domain. Basically I call custom actions from <var> and I check for 
the returned value.


Yup, its a viable solution ATM.

Discussions on priority are useful in event queues (prior to the point
any event is being processed by the engine). In processing events, the
state machine uses one or more events (immutable set) in every "step"
(and any derived events get added to the front of the queue).
I get it, priority should be used just to control which events will be executed before and 
which after but never as a mean of stopping the  precessing of  any other event. Also 
exeptions are not a way to go  IMO when using expression languages as SCXML does so far. 
Simply very basic structured programming is to be used there, and I say very basic since we 
have no serious thinking from w3c side to include ECMA scripting within <script> or 
as part of some code to be executed by <invoke> as a possible full featured 
programming language that will for example allow reuse (I am doing reuse using XML entities 
which has several disadvantages already posted in previous posts here and at www voice w3c 


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