Ted Husted wrote:

10/29/2002 5:16:57 AM, Greg Stein  wrote:

>Sorry, but nominations for membership, commit status, or PMC
>membership really should be private. I absolutely will not
>participate in such an environment, and will encourage others
>to avoid it also. These kinds of discussions really don't
>enhance the community.

It's worth mentioning that, right now, commit access to Jakarta subprojects is decided on the public DEV lists. So, the idea of doing so much on closed lists seems novel and strange to some of us.

True, but it happened several times in the projects I supervised or being part of, that committers seeked consensus privately exactly not to influence the person.

Nicola, for example (I'm citing this because he knows so no harm is done), was proposed for commit access in a private multi-CCed email and turned down by me since I thought he needed more time to 'tune' to how things were working on the mail list.

Note: publicly, I never had to turn down any committer and I think I voted in several tens of them.

Anyway, he was proposed for commit access a few months later and voted in with no negative vote. He not only proved his skills, but the ability to learn from his mistakes.

If voted down pubblicly the first time, I have the impression that he would have left, with big disadvantage of everyone, himself first.

So, I think that proposing nominations in public does no harm if there reasonable estimation that nobody would be against it. But, in any other case, a private votation will serve the person nominated best.

At least, that has been my experience.

Stefano Mazzocchi                               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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