Right, well the home pages are there now. And right now they are more closely associated with Apache itself than community.apache.org would. You're bringing up a new issue as to whether they should be taken away. The matter at hand is the creation of a new alias to in a way make them more associated with individuals and Apache communities than "apache.org" itself.

You have a corporate viewpoint of how Apache's relationship with Sun should be managed. I tend to think letting them know is fine. (Somehow any explanation of this would probably start sounding like the cluetrain manifesto...which I never read because it was too long winded, but whatever).. Let them decide based on the merits on whether they want to continue their association..

Regardless, I think this is a matter of trust and distribution of control.


I'm afraid of it reflecting poorly upon the ASF. Not matter how hard you try to say that the content isn't representative of the ASF as a whole, as long as the content is hosted on our site/domain, it will be deemed as such.

Imagine the day when one of our committers rants about Java on their community.apache.org/~name page and it is posted to /. and Sun gets its panties in a knot due to the bad publicity. If a member or committer does this in a non-ASF forum, fine. But, giving people a platform from which to imply association with the ASF isn't helpful to the foundation or its mission.

Reacting passively to these situations isn't going to help. Once the story would be posted on /., we're all in hot water. I believe the best course of action is not to encourage this behavior. -- justin

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