> You have a corporate viewpoint of how Apache's relationship with Sun
> should be managed.  I tend to think letting them know is fine.  (Somehow
> any explanation of this would probably start sounding like the cluetrain
> manifesto...which I never read because it was too long winded, but
> whatever)..  Let them decide based on the merits on whether they want to
> continue their association..

Not meaning to pick on you Andrew but this comment really made me feel i had
to respond.

Sun has a long standing relationship with the ASF, one that has taken alot
of time to build, as well as contributed alot either way with regards to
both code and community development. I would hate to see a situation where
just one person could destroy that relationship.. and the above comment
suggests that you don't really understand [the benefits of] the ASF's
association with Sun.

whilst i support in general a "people.apache.org" style structure similar to
people.netscape.com and similar, just reading Jamie Zawinski's various rants
about what happens when you make a comment about another company (read,
partner) in your private space -- if it's possible to trace that you are an
apache guy, even if it's obscure, then that is bad.

This is an area where you have to be especially careful, and the first
amendment argument doesn't really work here. If i were able to, i'd veto
this on grounds that it'd be too difficult to maintain -- and get this --
people should be using their own web-domains and httpd/forrest/etc to get
them working !

 -- james

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