James Cox wrote:

Not meaning to pick on you Andrew but this comment really made me feel i had to respond.

Sun has a long standing relationship with the ASF, one that has taken alot
of time to build, as well as contributed alot either way with regards to
both code and community development. I would hate to see a situation where
just one person could destroy that relationship.. and the above comment
suggests that you don't really understand [the benefits of] the ASF's
association with Sun.

I believe I have a fair appreciation of the value of this relationship.

Now, look at what an *ASF*member* put on http://jakarta.apache.org/ at one point:


One way to solve this is to remove all commit access to all apache.org web sites from all committers and members. And while we are at it, we should probably drop @apache.org e-mail addresses. Oh, and since this particular topic was discussed to death on the general@jakarta.apache.org mailing list, we should seriously consider whether or not the risks of having ASF hosted mailing lists outweigh the benefits.

Another way to address this is via education and community pressure.

- Sam Ruby

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