On 23/06/2003 15:42 Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

This as it mostly shows 'today' rather than the members body which grew
over time and is effectively lagging. I.e. you are looking at data which
tells you more about history than about the future. And that todays future
is tomorrows history.

My original plan was to fetch some old copies of the avail file as well and look for trends, but alas:

cvs server: failed to create lock directory for `/home/cvs/CVSROOT' (/home/cvs/CVSROOT/#cvs.lock): Permission denied

Oh well, forgot about that. :-)

I depend on (only) the members having access to the foundation module, but I assume that's a safe guess. The latest additions already seem to be added. Also, I assume repository is structured along the toplevel-sublevel module naming scheme - which seems the case for most.

Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
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